SpotifyRandomizer React SPA

Link to website:

Link to repository:

Link to consumed REST API repository:


SpotifyRandomizer React SPA - web application that consumes REST API.

Has a simplistic UI that allows users to log in with their Spotify account. Once authenticated they can see their Playlists (title, image cover, number of songs) and all Tracks assigned to them (album cover & title, track title, artists).

They can also randomly shuffle Playlist Tracks.

Spotify player, when in shuffle mode doesn’t play songs truly randomly, but rather tends to play Songs that you listen to most often.

Thanks to this application you ran randomly reorder Songs in your Playlists.

Technologies used


spotifyrandomizer react spa aws cloud architecture


This project is React Single Page Application consuming REST API of SpotifyRandomizer backend project. All communication between client and Spotify API is made through that backend project.

Calls to API are made with Axios.

State Management

SPA uses Redux to store state - essentially only details of authenticated user are stored. This state is also saved to and loaded from localStorage.


Built application is deployed and stored on AWS S3 bucket that is configured to host a static website. Website can be visited by going to

It is cached and served to users by Cloudfront


Main page

SpotifyRandomizer React SPA Main Page

Playlists list

SpotifyRandomizer React SPA Playlists list

Tracks list

SpotifyRandomizer React SPA Tracks list

Reorder tracks dialog panel

SpotifyRandomizer React SPA Reorder tracks dialog panel