Tomasz Zysk

Software Engineer
  • 577 895 328
  • Gdańsk


Software engineer professionally working on Java applications. Familiar with React framework.
Have experience with every lifecycle of a project: from analyzing and planning, to its implementation and release.
Interested in Cloud architecture. Worked with both Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform.

Certified AWS Solutions Architect Associate

Work Experiences

Java Software Engineer

Billennium | 2019 - Present

Worked on multiple different projects. Mostly backend Java but also frontend React and devops-related tasks

Project 1
  • Building microservices architecture - Java 15 Dockerized Spring Boot REST Api applications behind Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Building React with Typescript Single Page Application
  • Google Cloud Platform Architecture - Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Cloud Runtime Environments and Secrets Manager
  • Use third party APIs through OpenFeign
Project 2
  • Maintaining and developing Java 1.8 monolith application
  • Database maintenance - Hibernate, MySQL, Flyway
  • Jenkins - scripts used for Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery
Project 3
  • Working with ~20 years old legacy applications - maintaining and modernizing some of their modules
  • Analyzing and debugging largely undocumented code simultaneously documenting the process and all the findings
  • Bamboo - CI/CD



Side Project

Spotify’s playlist shuffle mode tends to play most often listened songs in playlist, instead of truly random shuffling.

SpotifyRandomizer - application that allows users to log in with their Spotify account, see their Playlist and randomly reorder Songs in their Playlists.

  • Spring Boot REST Api + React w/ Typescript as SPA
  • Deployed in the Cloud - backend in Google Cloud Run, frontend in AWS S3 served through Cloudfront
  • CI/CD - with Github Actions and Google Cloud Build
